Do your eyes frequently burn, feel dry, and generally uncomfortable? You could suffer from chronic dry eyes. The most common condition associated with dry eyes is keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), or dry eye syndrome. Simply put, KCS is caused by a lack of tears.

eyeDry eyes can occur for a number of reasons. As we get older, our eyes produce fewer tears. People over the age of sixty-five frequently experience some level of dry eyes.

A dry, arid, or smoke filled environment can cause dry eyes. If you’ve had LASIK surgery, your chances of dry eyes increase.

Women are more prone to dry eyes than men due to hormonal changes from pregnancy, menopause, and use of various birth control methods.

There are various treatments for dry eye syndrome. Some cases can be treated with simple over the counter measures, while others require more serious attention.

Simple store bought eye drops can add moisture to the eye to compensate for diminished tears. Dietary supplements containing omega three fatty acids also help the eyes to produce tears. These options might be worth trying initially.

Keeping available natural tears in the eyes longer is another way of combating dry eyes syndrome. This can be done by a procedure where small silicone plugs are placed in the tear ducts. They can be removed later if the need arises or there is a change in teardrop production. There is also a surgical option wherein the tear ducts are closed with the goal of keeping tears in the eyes longer.

There is also the option of having your optometrist prescribe eye drops which increase your eyes’ production of tears. This option is often used when over the counter eye drops are insufficient to keep the eyes lubricated.

One simple way to keep your eyes lubricated is by protecting them from the sun with quality sunglasses and remembering to take fifteen minute breaks every hour from looking at your computer screen or other devices.

Keep this information in mind to discuss with your professional eye care provider during your next regular visit. You can visit us online at to learn more about various issues that affect eye health or give us a call at 760-452-2895 to schedule an eye exam with one of our trusted eye care professionals.

[photo via  by helgabj (contact)]