The staff at Spektacles wants to encourage women everywhere to take a moment to observe Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month this April.

Prevent Blindness America and the National Eye Institute claim almost 4 million Americans over the age of forty suffer from vision problems including blindness. Over half of these people are women. Women have specific eye health challenges due to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and also from menopause.

According to Women’s Eye, two-thirds of blindness occurs in women, and three-quarters of cases of blindness worldwide are preventable.

Worldwide, there are certain eye afflictions more commonly suffered by women than men. Cataracts and dry eye syndrome are more common in women than in men.

Women tend to live longer than men in the developed world, and therefore suffer from more age related macular degeneration than men. Eye infection is more commonly found in women than men.

Prevent Blindness America is the sponsor of Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month this April. The goal of this event is to bring awareness to the unique eye health challenges faced by women.

woman in glasses

In addition to the effects from hormonal changes, women’s risk factors for their eye health include obesity, nutrition, age, and smoking.

Some ways to maintain good eye health are to eat a healthy diet rich in carotenoids (found in leafy greens and egg yolk), and omega-3 fats (found in fish, nuts and flax). And perhaps most importantly, avoid smoking.

It’s vital for women (and men for that matter), to schedule annual eye exams with a trusted optometry professional. Preventative measures are the key to long term eye health. The earlier your eye care provider can detect and treat any developing eye health problems the better.

Perhaps you are in the market for a new pair of glasses or sunglasses? We have some great options in a variety of styles and our staff is happy to help you choose the best pair of glasses to meet your unique needs.

Schedule an appointment with the professionals here at Spektacles for a thorough eye exam.

Spektacles is San Diego’s trusted source for optometry and eyewear. Protect your beautiful eyes so they experience health!

Visit us online at or give us a call at 760-452-2895 to schedule an eye exam today!

[image via  by Marlon Hammes (contact)]