As we get older, it’s common for our lives to change, including our health. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative thing, especially when we approach changes with an informed perspective. One area of health that typically changes during the aging process is vision.

People aged 60 and up face unique problems with their eyes. Here are a few age related problems to look out for:


Glaucoma is best described as a buildup of pressure in the fluid of the eye which damages the optic nerve leading to vision loss. Glaucoma is treated and managed through medications and surgery. Approximately 60 million people worldwide suffer from Glaucoma, but by learning more about it, you can treat and manage the condition.


Cataracts are a clouding of the eye leading to vision loss. Most commonly caused by aging, they can also be caused by a build up of pigment in the eye. This build up of pigment works together with degenerated fibers in the eye’s lenses (caused by aging), to interfere with the transition of light in the eye. Cataracts are generally treated through simple outpatient surgery while under local anesthesia.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Another possible eye issue for individuals over age 60 is Diabetic Retinopathy. Found in patients with diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is damage to the blood vessels that feed blood to the retina. The blood vessels leak blood into the eye causing clouding of the retina and vision loss. Diabetic retinopathy can cause blindness, and should be taken very seriously. It is treated with laser surgery, steroids, and vitrectomy (replacing leaked blood with saline). There are steps to prevent diabetic eye disease, but you must be aware of what they are.

These are just a few of the problems seniors face with their eye health. Eyes change as we age and it is vital for seniors to remain vigilant with their eye care.

Even though eyesight changes can’t always be prevented, this doesn’t mean there aren’t solutions to make the best of certain situations. It’s vital for people of all ages to care for their vision, but seniors especially need to take extra care with their eye health and make sure they keep regular appointments with an optometrist. Early detection is key to prevention and proper care of our eyes, especially for seniors.

Are you in need of an eyecare professional in the San Diego area? Spektacles is the leading optometry practice in Cardiff and we have the knowledge and experience to provide you information and peace of mind about your vision and eye health. Contact Spektacles to set up an appointment to get screened for these problems. You can visit us online at or give us a call at 760-452-2895 to schedule an eye exam.

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