Like any other part of the human body, our eyes weaken as we get older. Changes in our vision as we age are simply an unavoidable fact of life. Some changes are normal and no cause for alarm, while others require more serious attention. Whether we experience normal changes or more serious eye diseases, our quality of life can be impacted. It’s important to know what’s going on with our eyes and to keep regular appointments with our eye care providers to mitigate the problems 40 ladyassociated with aging.

Presbyopia– When we reach about forty years old, we find it harder to see things up close. It’s because as we age, the lenses inside our eyes harden and it becomes harder to focus them.

This is perfectly normal and no cause for alarm. Most people simply get reading glasses and increase their power as necessary as they age. Bifocals are another solution, as are surgeries like LASIK and keratoplasty.

Cataracts– This is when the lenses of our eyes become cloudy as we age. Over time if left untreated, cataracts can seriously diminish our eyesight. Common in people over sixty, cataracts are easily treated by an opthamologist. A simple surgery is all that is required.

Age Related Macular Degeneration– Caused by abnormal blood vessel growth in the back of the eye, AMD can take a long time to affect vision in some people. It affects the macula, the part of the eye that controls straight, sharp vision. A diet of leafy greens and fish help to prevent age-related macular degeneration, and high doses of vitamins are used to slow the later stages. A healthy lifestyle, including avoiding smoking and obesity reduce the risk of developing AMD.

Glaucoma– Glaucoma is when abnormal internal pressure of the eye damages the optic nerve. The early symptoms include a loss of peripheral vision and if the disease progresses, straight on vision will also suffer even to the point of total vision loss. There is no cure for glaucoma, and early detection of glaucoma is vital to implement medicines and surgeries to halt its progress. It can be stopped,  but the damage is irreversible.

Here at Spektacles, nothing is more important to us than our patients’ eye health. It’s vital to keep regular appointments to detect eye health problems early. Give us a call at 760-452-2895 to schedule an eye exam with one of our trusted eye care professionals. You can also visit us online at